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Bye Bye Mocha November 22, 2008

Posted by graciek in Australia, Life in General, Mocha dog.
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We sent Mocha off on her big adventure today. Soooo sad. She’s flying out to Sydney for quarantine and should arrive there on Monday morning before being incarcerated for 30 days. We can spring her from doggy penitentiary on Christmas Eve. My poor baby Mocha knew something was up and hubby and I cuddled her loads. She was so well behaved in the car to Heathrow when usually she is squeaking and trying to do a houdini impression with her car harness. Instead she was quiet and just rested her little paw on us. It’s awful as she doesn’t understand why Daddy put her in a crate and abandoned her!! I couldn’t bring her to Heathrow as I wouldn’t have coped. Apparently she was crying and whimpering and scratching at the crate door asking “daddy, please don’t leave me, where are you going, take me with you”. Makes my heart break just thinking about it. Hopefully she’ll recover from the trauma and forgive us. Hubby says he’s going to buy her a big steak when we get there. It was awful getting back and seeing her doggy bowls, her food, her lead, and even her little bag of doggy treats. Boo hoo. I love you little furry Mocha baby – please forgive us. I’ll be much happier on Monday when I know she’s arrived safely.