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Not My Parking Fine November 20, 2008

Posted by graciek in Life in General, Money.
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We sold hubby’s car on the 26th October to a used car dealer. He gives them the V5 and duly sends off the little yellow signed slip (V5C I think) to the DVLA. 3rd November a letter arrives stating that we have been fined for parking the car for 9hrs at a motorway service station on 1st November (now, who would voluntarily want to go to one of those for 9hrs) and that according to DVLA hubby is still the registered owner!! Hubby rings up DVLA to see why they haven’t processed the V5 slip yet. Apparently it’s disappeared into the ether at either DVLA or Royal Mail. Hmm. But it’s OK as we have a sales receipt from the dealer. Which we then fax to them with a letter. A few days later DVLA say they have put a note against the car registration, but that they cannot complete the transfer until the new owner sends in the V5 bit. Hmm so we can’t get proof from DVLA that it’s not our car anymore even though we sent them a sales receipt. Now we send the solicitors who are chasing us from the service station parking company a new letter and a copy of the sales receipt. Today we got a letter acknowleding receipt of our letter saying that DVLA still has hubby as the registered owner and that we need to prove it’s been sold by providing documentation such as a sales receipt. WTF – that’s what the last letter was about. It feels like we’re going round in circles and if we don’t pay within a month then they’ll take us to court. I’m so stressed about it as no matter what we do to prove we don’t have the car anymore all parties seem to just ignore it! I’m quite worried that if this isn’t resolved in the next few weeks we’ll have moved to Australia and next time we come back to the UK for a visit hubby will have a CCJ on his head without even knowing about it. So the question is, unless the buffoon who eventually bought the car sends in his V5 slip will we keep being chased? Even more alarming is the road tax is expiring end of this month and they keep sending us the SORN. Now I don’t want to get a fine for not paying the road tax, but we don’t have the car anymore!! The other bugger who owns the car won’t receive the SORN and won’t be able to tax it. Or maybe that’s the new owner’s plan to just rack up fines and not pay the tax. At any rate, we sold it to a dealer, so they should be able to provide the DVLA with the details of who bought the car – so why is everyone chasing us? Grrrrrrrrr RANT RANT RANT.