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Evie Weighing Again November 11, 2008

Posted by graciek in Life in General.
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Took Evie to the weighing clinic again. She’s now about 3.5 months old and she’s 11lb 13oz. She’s put on 7oz in the last fortnight. She’s slowly settling 1/2 way between 9th and 25th percentile weight. Poor Evie is so petite. My mum of course thinks that I am starving her. How can that be when she feeds on demand? She’s very long though (63.5cm – 91st percentile height). She just takes after her Daddy, who when we met was 6ft and only 60kg. Of course now he’s still 6ft, but after almost 8 years of my cooking (and not to mention the takeaways and chocolate) he’s far more than 60kg and is developing a rather distinct “archer’s gut”.